Peter Nijkamp | project coordinator Peter   Nijkamp   is   emeritus   professor   in   regional   and   urban   economics   and   in   economic   geography   at   the   VU University,    Amsterdam.    Peter    Nijkamp    has    a    long-standing    career    in    scientific    research    and    organization. According   to   the   RePec   list   of   economists,   he   belongs   to   the   top-25   of   world-known   influential   economists.   He   is a    fellow    of    the    Royal    Netherlands    Academy    of    Sciences    (KNAW),    and    was    also    past    vice-president    of    this organization.   He   has   served   for   7   years   as   president   of   the   governing   board   of   the   Netherlands   Research Council   (NWO).   In   1996,   he   was   awarded   the   most   prestigious   scientific   prize   in   the   Netherlands,   the   Spinoza Award.    Currently,    he    is    vice-president    of    The    Regional    Science    Academy    (TRSA)    and    involved    in    many international   research   activities.   He   published   more   than   2000   articles   and   books.   In   his   long   academic   career, he   has   focused   his   research   in   particular   on   quantitative   methods   for   policy   analysis,   as   well   as   on   spatial- behavioural   analysis   of   economic   agents.   He   has   a   broad   expertise   in   the   area   of   public   policy,   regional   development,   services planning, infrastructure and environmental management and urban systems planning.  




SAGES   project   project   takes   place   within   the   Alexandru   Ioan   Cuza   University   of   Iaşi    (UAIC).   UAIC   is   the   oldest   and   one   of   the   most prestigious   higher   education   institutions   in   Romania.   Since   1860   UAIC   has   been   carrying   on   a   tradition   of   excellence   and   innovation   in the   fields   of   education   and   research.   The   project   is   implemented   by   the   Alexandru   Ioan   Cuza   University   of   Iasi   and   managed   by   the Centre   for   European   Studies   of   (CES),    within   Faculty   of   Law,   with   a   solid   expertise   on   the   EU’s   eastern   neighbourhood   and   EU’s   cross- border   cooperation.   CES   is   an   interdisciplinary   department   within   UAIC   which   focuses   on   developing   new   academic   and   research programmes mainly in the field of regional studies.


Ioana BEJENARU Alexandra CEHAN Elena Ramona CIORTESCU Mihaela CLINCU Mioara CRISTEA Alexandra GHEORGHIU Andreea Oana  IACOBUTA-MIHAITA Corneliu IATU Bogdan-Constantin IBANESCU Andra IFTMIEI Daniel Mereuta Carmen MOLDOVAN Gabriela Carmen PASCARIU Ema ROSCA-CORODESCU Ramona TIGANASU Andreia DAMIAN Carmen PINTILESCU Dana ZAHARIA Lucian ROSU Claudia GROSU Oara PRUNDEANU