Activities and expected results Development of a place-based conceptual and methodological framework for sustainable well-being Results: Scientific papers; conference presentations; scientific report; data collection techniques and monitoring system. Organization of data collection and monitoring system (Smiley Dashboard) Results: Open databases; operational Dashboard system; toolkit and user guidelines for the dashboard. Place-based well-being modelling (Smiley Index) and elaboration of well-being scenarios Results:   Smiley   Index;   Report   Spatial   Sustainable   and   Inclusive   Well-being;   European   Atlas   of   Well-being;   conference papers; conference presentations. Adapting Smiley Index to local level (focused on Romania and North-East region) Results:     Survey     database;     new     dataset;     local     sustainable     well-being     scenarios;     scientific     papers;     conference presentations; special issue in Q1/Q2 journals. Implementation   of   evidence-based   interventions   on   modelling   subjective   well-being   for   sustainability   challenges;   data collection based on experiments Results:    A    database;    experimental    manipulations;    toolboxes    with    experimental    tools;    scientific    papers;    conference presentations. Elaboration of well-being governance tools and policy recommendations Results: EU polices for well-being beyond GDP; policy papers; a monography. Development of research skills and the international research performance Results:    Mobilities;    methodological    seminars;    joint    papers;    Horizon    Europe    applications;    special    session    for    young researchers; workshops for project results validation & dissemination.