SAGES    is    grounded    in    a    novel    conceptual    and    operational    framework    that    goes    "beyond-GDP"    to    encompass    well-being approaches, which include economic growth, inclusiveness, and sustainability, analysed from a place-based perspective. SAGES   project   will   provide   an   in-depth,   evidence-based,   and   conceptual   understanding   of   sustainable   well-being   determinants and   patterns,   will   address   the   limitations   of   conventional   approaches   to   happiness   research   by   addressing   key   environmental and societal constraints, and introduce a new interconnected “place-based” framework, culminating with the Smiley Index. The   project   will   create   a   novel   multi-layered   analysis   framework   and   methods   for   well-being   assessment,   focusing   on   the identification   and   evaluation   of   place-based   inequalities   within   the   paradigm   of   sustainable   and   inclusive   well-being   and   will support the collaboratively design of spatial-based policy recommendations for future 'beyond GDP' scenarios.
Specific SAGES objectives: To   provide   an   in-depth   evidence-based   and   conceptual   understanding   of   the   current   sustainable   well-being   determinants and   patterns   at   different   geographical   scales,   from   the   perspective   of   the   place-people   inter-conditionalities   and   the relationships between economic growth, environmental quality, and social capital at community level To   address   the   limits   of   the   conventional   approaches   in   order   to   capture   the   critical   environmental   and   societal   constraints on   happiness   research   and   to   provide   a   new   interconnected   “place-based”   framing   culminating   in   a   novel   and   replicable index (Smiley index) To   collect   new   geo-localised   data   (NUTS2   level   for   EU;   LAU2   level   for   Romania)   and   construct   an   open-access   large-scale spatial   database   as   well   as   to   provide   new   quantitative   and   qualitative   methods   and   tools   for   collecting   data   and   ecological transformation monitoring To   develop   an   innovative   multi-layered   analysis   framework   and   innovative   methods   (based   on   the   Smiley   index)   for   well- being   assessment,   and   to   identify   and   assess   the   critical   factors   of   place-based   inequalities,   based   on   the   new   paradigm   of sustainable and inclusive well-being To   model   the   impact   of   new   drivers   of   change   (Green   Deal,   4.0   technologies,   security   risks,   post-COVID)   on   people   and places,    in    order    to    identify    new    human-based    resilience    approaches    to    Just    Transition    strategies    and    the    well-being patterns dynamics To   co-design   spatial-based   policy   recommendations,   in   the   context   of   prospective   ‘beyond   GDP’   scenarios,   including   the well-being “dematerialisation” and the de-growth paradigms To   overcome   the   current   research   barriers   of   the   Alexandru   Ioan   Cuza   University   of   Iasi   (with   a   wider   impact   of   the Romanian   research   performance),   increasing   the   excellence,   international   visibility   and   competitiveness,   while   providing new international cooperation opportunities